Friday, August 2, 2013

The story of my first Boston Triathlon


It's been quite the busy week and it just so happens that one of the best tri's around is this Sunday! I LOVE Boston Tri (last year's write up) and I'm excited for all those who will be doing it as their first triathlon.

I realized my first Boston Tri is actually one of the many stories that led me to my bad triathlete name. Now I shall finally share it!

Let's go back two years to a younger, even more energetic version of me. Boston Tri was the second triathlon I did in my first year of racing and I was TERRIFIED to be swimming .5 miles (I know, I know, look how much I have grown up.) I had a bachelorette party the night before and I decided I was going to be really well behaved and only go to the pre-game and have one drink.
So well behaved! :)

And home I went!  ...and then I got bored because all my roomies were at the bachelorette and it was too early to go to bed. Then I got invited to go to the Last Drop.

Back in the day, I never really said no to any plans-especially the Last Drop haha It was so easy to go to and so fun to people watch. How could you not love it :)

So there I was just having one jackndiet...ok maybe two...and then BAM my friend gets shots. Ugh. Fine, what's one shot going to do. OK I will leave soon, no worries it's still *kinda* early.  Just as I'm planning to leave... shot #2 arrives. I protest a bunch but ultimately I surrender and take it too. See BAD triathlete. I think I went to bed at 3am only to be up at 5am when Greg was picking me up.

The day was like a hurricane or something. Curmudgeon told me that the swim would be "as smooth as glass" and any regular day in Southie Bay/Carson Beach area, it is. Today was super choppy, crazy windy, rainy, gross out. BUT I finished the race with a smile on my face :)

What a beautiful day for a race!
Finishing down the beach!
My friend that i was out with the night before texted me to ask me how the race went. I decided he needed a little payback for making me do the shots. I told him I did so bad and was struggling so much that I had to have a kayak pull me out of the water and I wasn't allowed to finish the rest of the race. He quickly apologized and said how bad he felt. I let it go on for a little but and then I said I felt bad as well...because I was just kidding! :)

So there you have it, a blast from the past post from the Bad Triathlete mental archives. Good luck to all you newbs who are doing this race as your first tri! You will love it.

Remember, two shot maximum/two hour sleep minimum the night before the race and you will be fine!

Yours truly,
-Much better bad triathlete than I was before ;)