Thursday, May 31, 2012

My struggle with Walden Pond...

I'm terrified of our open water swims at Walden Pond every Thursday morning. I have to be up at 4:30 for them but most of the time (like this morning) I was up at 4 with extreme anxiety thinking all these horrible ridiculous thoughts. Allow me to illustrate...

What I'm convinced is going to happen at Walden:

What actually happens at Walden:

 Although the pollen on top of the water today was really intense.

I guess you're just suppose to keep doing what your most afraid of...? I really need to get over it...the sun rising over the trees and hitting your face as you are going through the water is actually a really nice feeling...after I bug out and realize what I thought was something touching my leg was just my other leg while I'm kicking :/

O yeah first tri of the season is Saturday! Woot woot Escape the Cape!

1 comment:

  1. Good job sticking with the swims and getting out there and facing your fears!

    "Always do what you are afraid to do"
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Keep it up!
